Salvador DalíLegs (Inferno: Canto 4), 1960-64£450.00
Salvador DalíAt the Edge of the Seventh Bolge (Inferno: Canto 11), 1960-64£450.00
Salvador DalíThe Climb of Geryon (Inferno: Canto 16) (duplicate), 1960-64£450.00
Salvador DalíInhabitants of Prado (Inferno: Canto 26), 1960-64Sold
Salvador DalíThe Negligent (Purgatory: Canto 4), 1960-64£350.00
Salvador DalíThe Proud (Purgatory: Canto 11), 1960-64£350.00
Salvador DalíA Spirit Interrogating Dante (Purgatory: Canto 14), 1960-64£450.00
Salvador DalíThe First Heaven (Paradise: Canto 3), 1960-64£350.00
Salvador DalíBeatrice (Paradise: Canto 4), 1960-64£400.00
Salvador DalíMeeting of the Forces of Luxury (Paradise: Canto 26), 1960-64£400.00