Anne Desmet RA | Metamorphosis

27 July - 20 August 2023

View the full exhibition online here


The focus of Anne Desmet's work shifts between Italy (where she was a Rome Scholar in Printmaking, 1989/90) and the U.K. Her subject matter pulls in two directions: one body of work is essentially topographical, but subject to metamorphoses and mutations; the other is concerned with intuitive architectural fantasies, urban myths and histories of urban destruction and regeneration: such as the Tower of Babel and Italy's Mt. Vesuvius. Her subject matter is largely architectural yet buildings are subject to metamorphoses relating to effects of changing light, weather and time passing. Desmet aims to suggest the timeless solidity, human aspiration, humour, hubris and folly that architectural forms can convey, as well as the poignancy of their impermanence and vulnerability - conditions which evoke and run parallel with the fragile life of humankind.