Blaze Cyan | Wood~Lands

8 - 19 November 2023

View the full exhibition online here


Wood~lands is about groups of trees in the wider landscape, copse, woods, spinneys, groves, clumps. We are looking at ’remnants’, what remains of previously larger and more widely spread woods. The slow erosion of the forests, leaving behind small collectives of trees, their presence a reminder of lost wood~lands as they recede from view and living memory.


This exhibition is homing in on the idea of remembering all those millions of lost trees. Whether it’s in the wide-open spaces that now surround these copses and thickets. Or in the form of the ‘ghost forests’ where images of trees mostly now long gone and forgotten have found their way back into view from 19th and 20th century postcards.'


- Blaze Cyan, 2023