Norman Ackroyd
Norman AckroydThe Great Blasket, 1988Sold
Norman AckroydApproaching Flannan, 2011Sold
Norman AckroydWindrush Afternoon, 1991Sold
Norman AckroydInishtearaght, Co. Kerry, 1987Sold
Norman AckroydOn Mingulay, 2016Sold
Norman AckroydSkellig Michael from the North, Blue Cove, 2003Sold
Norman AckroydRainbow Fragment, 1974Sold
Norman AckroydFlag, 1970Sold
Ade AdesinaPresumption , 2022£400.00
Elizabeth BlackadderStill Life with Pagoda, 1998£1,100.00
Antony GormleyUntitled (Kings College Portfolio), 1999Framed£3,500.00
Gail BrodholtPoetry of Departures, 2013£600.00
Paul HoggRed Trees, 2024£850.00
Harvey DanielsAbstract Composition (I), 1997£5,500.00
Beatrice ForshallRed Crowned Crane£2,500.00
John HoylandSpace Cowboy, 1992£950.00
Bryan PearceDaffodils on the Windowsill, 1996Sold
Howard Hodgkin
Henry MooreMother and Child V, 1983£3,500.00
Henry MooreMother and Child XXII, 1983£4,000.00
Henry MooreMother and Child XX, 1983£3,500.00
Barbara HepworthForms in a Flurry, 1970£8,100.00
Tracey EminKate Moss, 2006£15,000.00
Barbara HepworthRangatira II, 1970£8,100.00
Barrington TobinPostcard 4, 2014£5,500.00
John HoylandReverie, 1983£1,250.00
Barrington TobinPostcard 5, 2014£5,500.00
Eduardo PaolozziHead, 1996FramedSold
Tracey EminSpace Monkey - We have Lift Off, 2009£12,000.00
Terry FrostDuende for Lorca, 1987Sold
Tracey EminI Think of You, 2014£12,700.00
Harvey DanielsAbstract Composition (III), 1995£6,000.00
Eduardo PaolozziThe Buñuel Suite (in colour) 3, 1996Framed£900.00
Gillian Ayres
Ross Loveday
Anne DesmetBritish Museum Kaleidoscope 4, 2023£490.00
Anne DesmetSt. Paul’s Dance, 2024£730.00
Anne DesmetRA Metamorphosis 5, 2023£450.00
Andrew MarrPaxos IX:21, 2021Coloured pencil£290.00
Paul HoggThrough a Window the Trees, 2022£600.00
Andrew MarrThe Rain VIII:23, 2023Sold
Alan DavieCosmic Signals No.5, 2001£1,850.00
Fiona FouhyNavigating, 2021Sold
Paul HoggView from the Window of an Empty Room in 1973, 2022£600.00
Alan DavieGrangemouth Image, 2010Sold
Gail BrodholtBuses on The Strand, 2019£600.00
Mychael BarrattBasquiat’s Dog, 2024Last few copies available£360.00
Mychael BarrattChien Maison - Louise Bourgeois’ Dog, 2021Last available impressions£360.00
Ade AdesinaFantasy II, 2022£400.00
Michael IbbisonBlood Moon, 2020£400.00
Peter Blake
Prunella Clough
Jason Hicklin
Eames Fine Art | British Art Fair
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